Saturday, February 2, 2008

3.5 miles and FNL

FNL is "Friday Night Lights."  As I've stated before... awesome in pure form.  It was really a set-up show so the plots or story-arcs (as most people think this is the cool way to say it now) didn't really do anything except set up for later.

EXCEPT FOR LANDRY!  He finallly got together with Tyra, but at the expense of some new girl Jean whom he crushed with 8 words.

Very exciting for the show.

It's a big deal.

Otherwise Matt is depressed and Coach Taylor pushed him in the shower and Smash is VERY upset for having been suspended for the final 3 games of the season.  What makes that a big deal is that TMU (Texas Methodist, I think) rescinded his scholarship for "questionable character."  Gaius Charles did an amazing job in the final scene.  He wasn't the normal cheeze I expected of a guy trying to act like he cared about high school football.  It was really good.  REALLY GOOD.  Even Abbey believed him.  It was a great performance.

Wouldn't you be?  Upset I mean... the reason he is suspended is a rather long story as most evening soap operas are, but in a nutshell he was suspended for assault on another kid in the movies.  He assualted him for saying some pretty nasty things about Smash and then about Smash's sister.

I think I would have acted in the same way.  I can't blame him, but neither can I excuse the behavior, but I can't blame him.  Yeah, can't blame him at all.  Can't blame him.  It was his SISTER man!


Jessica said...

What's with the FNL play by play???

Tim, Sarah, Emily, Kyle said...

I am getting Dish Network installed at my house in two weeks. I am pretty stoked about it. now can have two DVRs. I took the "all programming except Friday Night Lights" package. I really am getting Dish installed. My heart skipped a beat when I saw you in church today.
luv - g shou