EXCEPT FOR LANDRY! He finallly got together with Tyra, but at the expense of some new girl Jean whom he crushed with 8 words.
Very exciting for the show.
It's a big deal.
Otherwise Matt is depressed and Coach Taylor pushed him in the shower and Smash is VERY upset for having been suspended for the final 3 games of the season. What makes that a big deal is that TMU (Texas Methodist, I think) rescinded his scholarship for "questionable character." Gaius Charles did an amazing job in the final scene. He wasn't the normal cheeze I expected of a guy trying to act like he cared about high school football. It was really good. REALLY GOOD. Even Abbey believed him. It was a great performance.
Wouldn't you be? Upset I mean... the reason he is suspended is a rather long story as most evening soap operas are, but in a nutshell he was suspended for assault on another kid in the movies. He assualted him for saying some pretty nasty things about Smash and then about Smash's sister.
I think I would have acted in the same way. I can't blame him, but neither can I excuse the behavior, but I can't blame him. Yeah, can't blame him at all. Can't blame him. It was his SISTER man!
What's with the FNL play by play???
I am getting Dish Network installed at my house in two weeks. I am pretty stoked about it. now can have two DVRs. I took the "all programming except Friday Night Lights" package. I really am getting Dish installed. My heart skipped a beat when I saw you in church today.
luv - g shou
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